FUTURESCAPE SUMMIT vol.1 フューチャー・スケープ サミット vol.1

タイトル | フューチャースケープ・サミット / FUTURESCAPE SUMMIT vol.1 |
アーティスト | |
カテゴリ | 国際交流プログラム |
開催場所 | オンライン |
期間 | 会期中 |
時間帯 | 昼の部 |
開催日 | 10月10日(土) |
時間 | 16:00-18:30(日本) 15:00-17:30(中国・香港時間) 8:00-10:30(イギリス・リーズ市時間) |
このたび、象の鼻テラスではFUTURESCAPE SUMMIT(フューチャースケープ・サミット)を開催します。本イベントはZoomのウェブナー形式で行い、日英の同時通訳で開催します。
象の鼻テラスは、これまで公共空間の創造的活用をテーマに取り組んできたこと に加え、2020年、新型コロナウイルス感染症との共存や、世界共通の目標となっているSDGsの達成に貢献することを目指し、「食」「健康」「環境」「災害」 「花と緑」「教育」の6分野にフォーカスし、すべての人が主体的に、自らの創造性を発揮できる社会を実現するための社会実験や教育普及事業に取り組むことを計画しています。
アッべ・ロビンソン (ライトナイトリーズ アーティスティックディレクター)
ルーシー・ダスゲート (クリエイティブ・プロデューサー)
ロー・ヤンヤン(香港康楽及文化事務署 キュレーター)
ウォン・アダ(Make A Difference Institute代表)
岡田勉(象の鼻テラス アートディレクター)
守屋慎一郎(象の鼻テラス 企画担当ディレクター)
大田佳栄(象の鼻テラス 国際担当ディレクター)
「Creative Experimentポストコロナの公共空間活用」
・Interprefyご利用方法はユーザーマニュアルをご参照ください。 ユーザーマニュアル:Interprefy_FuturescapeSummit.pdf
We will host FUTURESCAPE SUMMIT. This is Zoom webinar event with English simultaneous interpretation.
“FUTURESCAPE PROJECT” aims to integrate and inherit these challenges, and contributes to the life in coming ‘post/with covid-19’ era and to the achievement of the SDGs, which is a universal goal of the world, then it also promotes a socially experimental art project that utilizes public space with various stakeholders such as public and private sectors and citizens. In this conference, we will introduce new projects at Zou-no-hana Terrace, and invite 2 cities from Leeds UK and HongKong overseas that are pioneering in various creative challenges to contribute to a society where everyone can demonstrate their creativity.
10, Oct 2020
16:00-18:30 Japan time
15:00-17:30 China time
8:00-10:30 UK time
【Way to participate】
online events(Zoom/webiner)
Zoom Webinar URL: https://zoom.us/j/94977355018
【Participation fee】
■Leeds, UK
Abbe Robinson / Artistic Director, Light Night Leeds
Lucy Dusgate / Creative Producer
■HongKong, China
Wong Ada / Chairperson, Make A Difference Institute
Lo Yan-yan / Curator(Public Art) of the Art Promotion Office of Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government
■Yokohama, Japan
Yukiko Gondou / Executive Director of Culture, Art and Creative City Promotion Department, Culture and Tourism Bureau,City of Yokohama
Tsutomu Okada / Art Director, Zou-no-hana Terrace
Shinichiro Moriya / Zou-no-hana Terrace Planing Director
Yoshie Ota / Zou-no-hana Terrace International Director
Creative Experiment – utilization of public space after COVID19
【How to participate online】
Zoom Webinar URL: https://zoom.us/j/94977355018
・ This event will be held using the webinar system “Zoom”. Please be assured that unlike the meeting function, the audio and video of all participants will not be visible to the organizer / guest.
・ You can participate from a computer, tablet, or smartphone that can connect to the Internet.
・ If you do not have a Zoom account registered, you will need to enter your surname, first name, and email address.
【How to use Japanese-English simultaneous interpretation】
Access: https://interprefy.interpret.world/user/sign-in
Token (pass): FUTURESCAPE
・For simultaneous interpretation between Japanese and English, use the application software “Interprefy” for remote simultaneous interpretation.
・ In order to listen to simultaneous interpretation, in addition to the device (computer, etc.) that views Zoom, a second device (tablet, smartphone, etc.) that contains this app is required.
・Refer to the user manual for how to use Interprefy.
User Manual: Interprefy_FuturescapeSummit.pdf
Abbe Robinson
ライトナイトリーズ アーティスティックディレクター
Artistic Director, Light Night Leeds
Abbe Robinson is a Principal Arts Project Officer for Leeds City Council and has programmed and produced Light Night Leeds, the city’s annual free multi-arts and light festival, since 2014. In that time she has developed the festival to become the largest city centre event in Leeds’s cultural calendar, attracting an estimated 150,000 people across two nights. In 2019 Light Night Leeds showcased the work of hundreds of local, national and international artists and supported emerging artists through the SHINE programme. Abbe’s background is in film production and she has also worked as a Programmer and Producer for a range of film and arts festivals across the UK.
Lucy Dusgate
Creative Producer
Lucy Dusgate is experienced in curating local to international artistic talent in performance, dance, visual arts, literature and combined arts, as well as commissions that are site specific to unusual locations and interactive participation. Her specific specialism are artists using technology in their practice. She works with cultural and government organisations to produce art for theatre, gallery, specialist events and public spaces. She participates in UK cultural delegations, including Europe, North America and Japan. Additionally she regularly contributes to conferences and cultural festivals as a guest or panel chair/facilitator. The public realm art and exhibitions she has commissioned has won awards and continues to tour internationally.
Lo Yan-yan
香港康楽及文化事務署 キュレーター
Curator(Public Art) of the Art Promotion Office of Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government
香港中文大学中国芸術史学科で学士号および修士号取得。またシドニー大学の美術館博物館学においても学位を取得している。その後香港文化博物館で、美術展の社会における役割や美術館訪問の経験がもたらす効果について研究をし“Past is Continuing” や “Walking in the Dreams”といった、既存領域にとらわれない美術館の楽しみ方を問いかける展覧会を企画した。現在は香港特別行政区の美術促進課でキュレーターを務め、公共空間において文化資源を活用する目的でのパブリックアートのプロジェクトの企画に携わる。直近の活動に“Hi! Houses”、 “Hi! Hill”、“Seats Together”、 “Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale: Hong Kong House”、 “Take PARK in Art” 、 “Viva! River”などがある。
Lo Yan-yan obtained a B.A. Degree and then a M.Phil degree in Chinese Art History from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She also holds a professional diploma in Museum Studies from the University of Sydney. She joined Hong Kong Heritage Museum and focused on the study of the social responsibility of museum exhibitions and making museum visit as an alternative experience. Hence, she curated the “Past is Continuing” and “Walking in the Dreams” that allowed the audience to enjoy artworks in an unconventional way. Currently she is the curator in the Art Promotion Office and responsible for the organization of public art projects with a keen interest to cultivate the art appreciation in public context. Her recent projects include “Hi! Houses”, “Hi! Hill”, “Seats Together”, “Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale: Hong Kong House”, “Take PARK in Art” and “Viva! River”.
Wong Ada
Make A Difference Institute代表
Chair, Make A Difference Institute
弁護士、文化起業家、クリエイティブ分野における教育者およびイノベーターなど多彩なキャリアを持つ。香港において、教育改革を牽引するNPO、Hong Kong Institute of Contemporary Culture (HKICC)を創設。HKICCは、2006年から文化事業を学習するための教育施設である上級中等学校「HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity」を始め、その監修役を担っている。2010年にアジアでの若き変革者を交流させる組織、Make a Difference(MaD)initiativeを共同設立。過去10年、創造的な社会改革事業の推進を行い、ボトムアップ方式での分野を超えた事業を多数行ってきている。2012年The Good Lab設立、また教育組織Ednovatorsのディレクターとして、教育事業にも熱を注ぐ。
Ada Wong has led a varied career as solicitor, cultural entrepreneur, creative educator and social innovator. She founded Hong Kong Institute of Contemporary Culture (HKICC), a non-profit organization to advocate education innovation. Since 2006, HKICC founded the HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity 2006, a senior secondary school dedicated to the nurturing of talents for cultural development, and Ada is its Supervisor. In 2010, she co-founded the Make A Difference (MAD) initiative (www.mad.asia), a creativity for good platform for young changemakers in Asia. In the last ten years, MaD has undertaken projects at the intersection of creativity and urban/social challenges, and has worked with cross-disciplinary and cross sector changemakers to come up with bottom-up innovative solutions.
In 2012 Ada founded The Good Lab (www.goodlab.hk), a do tank and social innovation consultancy to enable tri-sector collaborations for positive changes in society. Since 2016, in her capacity as a Director of Ednovators, Ada led the Innopower Teacher Fellowship, a programme to build the innovation capacity of teachers in Hong Kong.
権藤 由紀子
Yukiko Gondou
Executive Director of Culture, Art and Creative City Promotion Department, Culture and Tourism Bureau,City of Yokohama
In 1988, Gondo started to work for City of Yokohama. She has been in charge of the culture promotion, civil activity support, town development etc as an officer.
She was manager for 150th Anniversary of the Port Opening Promotion Division, 150th Anniversary of the Port Opening & Creative Ctiy Headquarters, Director of Secretariat Division, Policy Bureau, and Executive Director for Policy Research. She has been in the current position since 2020.
岡田 勉
Tsutomu Okada
象の鼻テラス アートディレクター
Art Director, Zou-no-hana Terrace
1963年生まれ。88年(株)ワコールアートセンター入社。同社が運営する複合文化施設スパイラルのシニアキュレーター。 スパイラルで行なわれる現代美術展の企画や、外部施設の展覧会企画、パブリックアートのプロデュースなどを手がける。05年に行なわれた「愛・地球博」の公式アートプログラム事業のキュレーターを務めた。09年から横浜市の「象の鼻テラス」のアートディレクターに就任。
Born in Yokohama, Japan in1963. In 1988, started to work for Spiral/Wacoal Art Center. He was involved to organize contemporary art exhibitions within Spiral and for other institutions and produced many public art projects. He was assigned as curator for official art program in EXPO2005, Aichi, Japan. Since 2009, he is the Senior Curator and Artistic Director of Zou-no-hana.