ZOU-NO-HANA FUTURESCAPE PROJECTは、象の鼻テラスが主催する、アートの創造性を用いて公共空間の新しい使い方を提案する社会実験プロジェクトです。
本プロジェクトの狙いは多様な市民の主体的な参加です。「スマートイルミネーション」から継続して作品を発表している髙橋匡太による参加型アートプログラム《あいうえおはな》では、光る花畑が夜景を彩ります。独創的なアイデアが集結する「大学参加プログラム」には過去最多となる7 大学8 組の研究室が参加し、12 作品が一堂に会します。「マルシェ&ミュージック」では、クリエイターのPonboks(ポンボックス)が触ったり動かしたりすることで“音“を生み出す体験型アート作品を展示するほか、あたたかい光をテーマにしたナイトマルシェ、子どもから大人まで楽しい音楽プログラムが賑わいを生み出します。市民誰もが表現者として参加できる「第2 回フューチャースケープ・フォトコンテスト」も継続開催します。
※1) スマートイルミネーション…2011~2019年に開催された、最先端の省エネ技術とアートの創造性をかけあわせ、新しい横浜夜景を提案する国際アートイベント。東日本大震災による電力不足を契機にはじまり、アーティストのほか大学・企業・市民など多様な団体が一体となって取り組んできた。
※2) 夜にあらわれる光の横浜〈ヨルノヨ2023〉
開催期間:2023 年11 月27 日(月)ー2024 年1 月4 日(木)17:00-21:05
公式サイト: https://yorunoyo.yokohama/

ZOU-NO-HANA FUTURESCAPE PROJECT is a social experiment project organized by Zou-no-hana Terrace to propose new ways of utilizing public space with the creativity of art. In 2023, under the theme of “Night Out, Lights on: Art in action!”. By leveraging the experience of the “Smart Illumination” project (*1), which has been working to create a new nightscape of Yokohama that combines energy-saving technology and art in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake, we will be holding an exhibition of artworks with the theme of enjoying the night of Yokohama, in collaboration with the “Yorunoyo 2023” event (*2), which features illumination spectacle in Yokohama at night.
This project aims to encourage diverse citizens to participate actively. In the participatory art program “aiueohana” by Kyota Takahashi, who has been presenting works continuously starting from “Smart Illumination”, a glowing flower garden will color the night view. In the “University Participation Program”, where original ideas are collected, 7 universities and 8 research labs, the largest number ever, will participate, and 12 works will be exhibited at the same time. At “Marche & Music” event, creator Ponboks will exhibit an experiential artwork that produces “sound” by touching or moving it, as well as a Night Marche themed on warm light and music programs for children and adults. The “2nd Futurescape Photo Contest”, in which any citizen can participate as an artist, will also continue to be held.
(*1) Smart Illumination : An international art event held from 2011 to 2019. It proposed a new nightscape of Yokohama by combining cutting-edge energy-saving technology with the creativity of art. The event was triggered by the power shortages caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake, and has been realized through the joint efforts of artists, universities, businesses, citizens, and various other organizations.
(*2) Illumination Spectacle in Yokohama “yorunoyo 2023” …… Yokohama is beautifully lit on winter nights, with large-scale projection mapping at Shinko Chuo Square and Osanbashi Yokohama International Passenger Terminal, illumination throughout Yamashita Park, and spectacular shows where the whole city is alive with light and music.
Duration: November 27 (Mon), 2023 – January 4 (Thu), 2024 17:00 – 21:05
Venue: Yokohama City Waterfront Area
Shinko Chuo Square | Osanbashi Yokohama International Passenger Terminal | Yamashita Park and others
Official Site: https://yorunoyo.yokohama/en

ゾウノハナ・フューチャースケープ・プロジェクト 2023
会期:2023年12月8日(金) – 12月10日(日)
時間:16:30 – 21:30
・本事業は、「夜にあらわれる光の横浜〈ヨルノヨ2023〉」(2023 年11 月27 日(月)- 2024 年1 月4 日(木)開催)との連携事業です。
[2023 Theme] Night out, Lights on: Art in action!
[Duration] December 8(Fri) – 10(Sun), 2023
[Time] 16:30 – 21:30
[Venue] Zou-no-hana Terrace, Zou-no-hana Park
[Entrance] Free
[Organizer] Zou-no-hana Terrace
[Special Sponsorship] FREEing CO., LTD.
・This project is sponsored by FREEing Co., Ltd., which supports various cultural and artistic projects in Yokohama City.
・This project is a collaborative effort with “Illumination Spectacle in Yokohama – yorunoyo 2023”.
全国3つの公共施設との連携で、髙橋匡太の《あいうえおはな》を展開します。ひとり一人の参加者が考えた7 文字の「まほうのことば」を色に変換し、カラフルな花畑を生み出す参加型のアート作品です。
日 時: 2023 年12 月8日(金)15:00-16:30
会 場: 象の鼻テラス
参加費: 無料(事前受付なし、当日参加)
登壇者: 髙橋匡太(アーティスト)、松田朋春(㈱ワコールアートセンター シニアプランナー)、中條亜希子(㈱イースト やしまーる館長)、宇陽裕司(㈱ローカルデベロップメントラボ執行役員/㈱イースト事業開発三部部長)、大越晴子(象の鼻テラス チーフ)
進 行: 守屋慎一郎(㈱ワコールアートセンター プランナー)
JIUメディアデザインチーム(城西国際大学)、Wakita Laboratory Keio SFC Materialization PJ(慶應義塾大学)、x-Music Lab 藤井進也研究室(慶應義塾大学)、神奈川大学建築学部上野正也研究室、チーム・ソラ(前橋工科大学×読売理工学院)、東京大学筧康明研究室、ファーマシスト・エッグス(横浜薬科大学)、横浜市立大学鈴木伸治研究室
マルシェ屋台デザイン:川本尚毅((株)N and R Foldings Japan)
マルシェ出店:atelier-plantsplanet、CARRY THE SUN、chaikha、chidori、GREEN WAVE、miinkoti kori、mizutama589、Ron Marron、TOKITUGI、wanamac、アトリエプクプク、竹鳥、つまみ細工の鳥待月、フォンフォンシフォンカマクラ、革工房yokoji、マコトクラフト、木工房千舟 ほか
12月8日(金)「x-music “Variable Flavor Remix”」x-Music Lab 藤井進也研究室
12月9日(土)*「SPECIAL LIVE “THE PARK”」COSMIC JUNGLE feat.papico、なかの綾
12月16日(土)*「SPECIAL LIVE “Choro Club”」Choro Club
DJ:マックロマンス、Takahiro Saito
キッチンカー出店:880 kitchen、Across、barracao、OIMON、トトノエル、吉清/3店舗が 日替わりで出店します。
1.Art Program
Collaborating with three public facilities nationwide, “aiueohana” created by Kyota Takahashi will be exhibited. It is a participatory art piece that converts the seven-letter “magic words” that each participant thinks of into colors and creates a colorful flower garden.
Artist: Kyota Takahashi
Related event: “Can all public facilities be cultural facilities? – Debriefing session of “aiueohana”
Three facilities participating in the project will give presentations. The results obtained at each facility will be confirmed and discussions on the significance and potential for the development of collaboration among public facilities will be conducted.
Duration: December 8 (Fri), 2023, 15:00-16:30
Participation fee: Free (no advance registration required, participation on the day is accepted)
2.University Participation Program
A program in which 7 universities and 8 research labs participate. 12 works that propose ways to enjoy and play in public spaces at night will be exhibited.
Participating universities: JIU media design team (Josai International University), Wakita Laboratory Keio SFC Materialization PJ (Keio University), x-Music Lab – Fujii Shinya Laboratory (Keio University), Ueno Laboratory (Kanagawa University Faculty of Architecture and Building Engineering), Team SKY (Maebashi Institute of Technology × Yomiuri Institute of Technology), Yasuaki Kakehi Lab. (The University of Tokyo), Pharmacist Eggs (Yokohama University of Pharmacy), Suzuki Lab.(Yokohama City University)
3.Marche & Music
A Marche and music event where a variety of creators and musicians gather together to enliven the night. Light and sound fill the venue with warmth and excitement.
Marche food stall design: Naoki Kawamoto (N and R Foldings Japan Co., Ltd.)
Marche stores: atelier-plantsplanet, CARRY THE SUN, chaikha, chidori, GREEN WAVE, miinkoti kori, mizutama589, Ron Marron, TOKITUGI, wanamac, ATELIER PUKU PUKU, TAKETORI, Torimachi Tsumami kanzashi, fon fon chiffon, kamakura, leather creator yokoji, makoto-craft, chifune woodworks and more
Music Event:
December 8 (Fri) x-music “Variable Flavor Remix” x-Music Lab – Fujii Shinya Laboratory (Keio University)
December 9 (Sat)* Special live “THE PARK” COSMIC JUNGLE feat.papico, Aya Nakano
December 10 (Sun) “Playful Sounds at Night” Ponboks
December 16 (Sat) * SPECIAL LIVE “Choro Club” Choro Club
* Collaboration project with yorunoyo 2023 – Art Program “Mizu no Machi Promenade” sponsored by Creative Light Yokohama Executive Committee / Yokohama Arts Foundation.
SNACK ZOU-NO-HANA vol.32 “NIGHT POINT” *: Special opening as a night-time stopover.
Duration: December 23 (Sat) -25 (Mon),29 (Fri) -30 (Sat) 18:00-21:00
DJ: Mac Romance, Takahiro Saito
Exhibition: Ponboks
Kitchen car: 880 kitchen, Across, barracao, OIMON, curry&ricebowl totonoёl, kichi sei/ Three stores will open daily.
* Collaboration project with “yorunoyo 2023” sponsored by Creative Light Yokohama Executive Committee.